Hi, this is my resume

Work experience


Date of employment


Date of dismissal

I am currently working

The company’s field of activity


Current position

Software Engineer


I have been creating and maintaining the observability platform. My responsibilities included:

  • Building rpm packages
  • By writing the jenkins job
  • Writing exporters for opensearch
  • Provided high availability of internal services
  • Deployed various services (Sentry, Zipkin…) and described their installation (Configuration as Code)
  • Performed the implementation of exporters in k8s
  • Designed and developed Prometheus exporters on golang


Date of employment


Date of dismissal


The company’s field of activity

Provision of DevOps(outsourcing) services

Current position

Support Engineer / DevOps Engineer


  • Preparation of Grafana dashboards for system monitoring
  • Responding to alerts and troubleshooting issues
  • Working with promtail/Loki for log collection and analysis
  • Working with Docker/lxc containers for application deployment
  • Preparation of Ansible playbooks (Configuration as Code)
  • Setting up client servers from scratch using Ansible and CI/CD
  • Communicating with clients to identify and resolve issues
  • Configuring custom metrics (mtail) for application monitoring
  • Configuring custom scripts and metrics in pushgateway
  • Preparing Ansible roles for process automation
  • Working with various CI/CD systems (Drone CI, Gitlab CI) for automated build and deployment of applications
  • Direct involvement in communication (conference calls) with clients to identify and resolve issues
  • Ensuring uninterrupted operation of client servers
  • Maintaining technical documentation for projects
  • Developing and maintaining internal tools (python, docker)
  • Configuring monitoring and backup
  • Automatic publishing of artifacts to GitLab after successful testing in CI
  • Tracking and managing dependencies between software components
  • Version control of artifacts and ensuring reproducibility of builds
  • Containerizing applications and their dependencies for isolation and portability
  • Creating multi-container applications using Docker
  • Creating custom Docker images according to application requirements
  • Creating utilities in the go language
  • Configuring CI/CD integration with monitoring systems
  • Configuring CI/CD integration with popular messengers
  • Setting up automated testing to reduce human errors
  • Setting up automated deployment of both code and infrastructure changes